E.4. abuild --help usage

Usage: abuild [options] [defines] [targets]

This help message provides a brief synopsis of supported arguments.
Please see abuild's documentation for additional details.

Options, defines, and targets may appear in any order.  Any argument that
starts with "-" is treated as an option.

Any option not starting with - that contains an = is treated as a variable
definition, with the variable name being everything prior to the first =.
These are passed as variables to make, properties to ant, keys in
abuild.defines for groovy.

If no targets are specified, the "all" target is built.


  -H | --help       print help message and exit
  -V | --version    print abuild's version number and exit

  --apply-targets-to-deps   apply explicit targets to dependencies as well;
                    when cleaning with a clean set, expand to include
  --buffered-output   produce the entire output of a specific item's
                    build after the item finishes building; prevents
                    interleaving of output in multithreaded builds
  --build=set |     specify a build set; see below for a list of valid sets
    -b set
  -C start-dir      change directories to start-dir before running
  --clean=set |     specify a clean set; see below for a list of valid sets
    -c set
  --clean-platforms=pattern   when cleaning, only remove platforms that
                    match the given shell-style filename pattern
  --compat-level=x.y       disable backward compatible for constructs that
                    were deprecated at or before version x.y
  --deprecation-is-error   treat deprecation warnings as errors
  --dump-build-graph  dump abuild's internal build graph
  --dump-data       dump abuild's data to stdout and build no targets
  --dump-interfaces   write details about items' interfaces to files
                    in the output directory
  -e | --emacs      pass the -e flags to ant and also set a property
                    telling our ant build file that we are running in
                    emacs mode.
  --error-prefix=prefix   prepend the specified prefix to every error
                    message generated by abuild as well as every line
                    any build program writes to standard error; see
                    also --output-prefix
  --find={ item-name | tree:tree-name}    print the location of build item
                    item-name or build tree tree-name
  --find-conf       look above the current directory to find a directory
                    that contains Abuild.conf and run abuild from there
  --full-integrity  check integrity for all items, not just items being built
  --interleaved-output  in a multithreaded build, interleave the
                    output of all items building in parallel, and
                    prefix each line of output (normal and error) with
                    a marker that the item that produced it; this is
                    default for multithreaded builds
  --jobs=n | -jn    build up to n build items in parallel
  --jvm-append-args ... --end-jvm-args    append to the list of extra
                    arguments passed to the java builder JVM; for
                    debugging only
  --jvm-replace-args ... --end-jvm-args   replace the list of extra
                    arguments passed to the java builder JVM; for
                    debugging only
  --keep-going |    don't stop when a build item fails; also tells backend
    -k              not to stop on failure
  --list-platforms  list all object-code platforms
  --list-traits     list all known traits
  --make-jobs[=n]   passes the -j flag to make allowing each make to use
                    up to n jobs; omit n to let it use as many as it can
  --make            pass all remaining arguments to make
  --monitored       run in monitored mode
  -n                pass no-op flag to backend
  --no-dep-failures   when used with -k, attempt to build items even when
                    one or more of their dependencies have failed
  --no-deps         build only the current item without its dependencies
  --only-with-traits=trait[,trait,...]   remove all items from build set
                    that do not have all of the named traits
  --output-prefix=prefix   prepend the specified prefix to every
                    non-error line of output generated by abuild or
                    any program it invokes; see also --error-prefix
  --platform-selector=selector |       specify a platform selector
    -p selector     for object-code platforms; see below
  --print-abuild-top  print the path to the top of the abuild installation
  --raw-output      do not capture or process output generated by
                    programs abuild invokes; this is the default for
                    single-threaded builds
  --related-by-traits=trait[,trait,...]  add to the build set all items that
                    relate to any item already in the build set by all of
                    the named traits
  --repeat-expansion  repeat expansion from --related-by-traits or
                    --with-rdeps until no new build items are added to
                    the build set
  --ro-path=dir     repeatable: treat everything under dir as read only
  --rw-path=dir     repeatable: treat everything under dir as writable
  --silent          suppress most non-error output
  --upgrade-trees   run special mode to upgrade build trees
  --verbose         generate more detailed output
  --with-deps | -d  short-hand for --build=current; on by default
  --with-rdeps      expand build set with reverse dependencies of all
                    items in the build set


  all               all buildable/cleanable items in writable build trees
  deptrees          all items in the local tree and its full tree-deps chain
  local             all items in the local build tree
  desc              all items at or below the current directory
  descending        alias for desc
  down              alias for desc
  deps              all expanded dependencies of the current item
  descdeptrees      intersection of desc and deptrees
  current           the current item
  name:name,...     items with the given names
  pattern:regex     items whose names match the given regular expression

  When building (as opposed to cleaning), all build sets automatically
  include dependencies that are satisfied in writable build trees.


  Platform selectors may be specified with --platform-selector and in the
  ABUILD_PLATFORM_SELECTORS environment variable.  A platform selector is
  of this form:


  A match-criterion may be on the following:


  Any criterion component may be '*'.


  The special targets "clean" and "no-op" are not passed to the
  backend build tools and may not be combined with any other targets.
  Other targets are passed directly to the backends.