9.7. Build Set and Trait Examples

Now that we've seen the topics of build sets and traits, we're ready to revisit our previous examples. This time, we will talk about how traits are used in a build tree, and we will demonstrate the results of running abuild with different build sets. We will also make use of the special target no-op which can be useful for debugging your build trees.

9.7.1. Common Code Area

Any arguments to abuild that are not command-line options are interpreted as targets. By default, abuild uses the all target to build each build item in the build set. If targets are named explicitly, for the build items to which they apply, they are passed directly to the backend. There are two exceptions to this rule: the special targets clean and no-op are trapped by abuild and handled separately without invocation of the backend. We have already seen the clean target: it just removes any abuild output directories in the build item directory. The special no-op target causes abuild to go through all the motions of building except for actually invoking the backend. The no-op command is useful for seeing what build items would be built on what platforms in a particular invocation of abuild. It does all the same validation on Abuild.conf files as a regular build, but it doesn't look at Abuild.interface files or build files (Abuild.mk, etc.).

We return now to the reference/common directory to demonstrate both the no-op target and some build sets. From the reference/common directory, we can run abuild --build=local no-op to tell abuild to run the special no-op target for every build item in the local build tree. Since this tree has no tree dependencies, there is no chance that there are any dependencies that are satisfied outside of the local build tree. Running this command produces the following results (with the native platform again replaced by the string <native>):


abuild: build starting
abuild: common-lib1.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib1.test (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib3.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib2.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib2.test (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib3.test (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: build complete

Of particular interest here is the order in which abuild visited the items. Abuild makes no specific commitments about the order in which items will be built except that no item is ever built before its dependencies are built. [23] Since common-lib2.src depends on common-lib3.src (indirectly through its dependency on common-lib3), abuild automatically builds common-lib3.src before it builds common-lib2.src. On the other hand, since common-lib2.test has no dependency on common-lib3.test, no specific ordering is necessary in that case. If you were to run abuild --clean=local from this directory, you would not observe the same ordering of build items since abuild does not pay any attention to dependencies when it is running the clean target, as shown:


abuild: cleaning common-lib1 in lib1
abuild: cleaning common-lib1.src in lib1/src
abuild: cleaning common-lib1.test in lib1/test
abuild: cleaning common-lib2 in lib2
abuild: cleaning common-lib2.src in lib2/src
abuild: cleaning common-lib2.test in lib2/test
abuild: cleaning common-lib3 in lib3
abuild: cleaning common-lib3.src in lib3/src
abuild: cleaning common-lib3.test in lib3/test

Note also that only the build items that have Abuild.mk files are cleaned. Abuild knows that there is nothing to build in items without Abuild.mk files and skips them when it is building or cleaning multiple items.

If you are following along, then go to the reference/common directory and run abuild --build=desc check. This will build and run the test suites for all build items at or below that directory, which in this case, is the same collection of build items as the local build set. [24] This produces the following output, again with some system-specific strings replaced with generic values:


abuild: build starting
abuild: common-lib1.src (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib1/src/a\
Compiling ../CommonLib1.cpp as C++
Creating common-lib1 library
make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib1/src/ab\
abuild: common-lib1.test (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib1/test/\
Compiling ../main.cpp as C++
Creating lib1_test executable

STARTING TESTS on ---timestamp---

Running ../qtest/lib1.test
lib1  1 (test lib1 class)                                      ... PASSED

Overall test suite                                             ... PASSED


Total tests: 1
Passes: 1
Failures: 0
Unexpected Passes: 0
Expected Failures: 0
Missing Tests: 0
Extra Tests: 0

make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib1/test/a\
abuild: common-lib3.src (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib3/src/a\
Compiling ../CommonLib3.cpp as C++
Creating common-lib3 library
make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib3/src/ab\
abuild: common-lib2.src (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib2/src/a\
Compiling ../CommonLib2.cpp as C++
Creating common-lib2 library
make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib2/src/ab\
abuild: common-lib2.test (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib2/test/\
Compiling ../main.cpp as C++
Creating lib2_test executable

STARTING TESTS on ---timestamp---

Running ../qtest/lib2.test
lib2  1 (test lib2 class)                                      ... PASSED

Overall test suite                                             ... PASSED


Total tests: 1
Passes: 1
Failures: 0
Unexpected Passes: 0
Expected Failures: 0
Missing Tests: 0
Extra Tests: 0

make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib2/test/a\
abuild: common-lib3.test (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib3/test/\
Compiling ../main.cpp as C++
Creating lib3_test executable

STARTING TESTS on ---timestamp---

Running ../qtest/lib3.test
lib3  1 (test lib3 class)                                      ... PASSED

Overall test suite                                             ... PASSED


Total tests: 1
Passes: 1
Failures: 0
Unexpected Passes: 0
Expected Failures: 0
Missing Tests: 0
Extra Tests: 0

make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib3/test/a\
abuild: build complete

This example includes the output of qtest test suites. QTest is a simple and robust automated test framework that is integrated with abuild and used for abuild's own test suite. For information, see Section 10.2, “Integration with QTest”.

By default, when abuild builds multiple build items using a build set, it will stop after the first build failure. Sometimes, particularly when building a large build tree, you may want abuild to try to build as many build items as it can, continuing on failure. In this case, you may pass the -k option to abuild. When run with the -k option, abuild will continue building other items after one item fails. It will also exit with an abnormal exit status after it builds everything that it can, and it will provide a summary of what failed. When run with -k, abuild also passes the corresponding flags to the backends so that they will try to build as much as they can without stopping on the first error. Both the make and Groovy backends behave similarly to abuild: they will keep going on failure, skip any targets that depend on failed targets, and exit abnormally if any failures are detected.

Ordinarily, if one build item fails, abuild will not attempt to build any other items that depend on the failed item even when run with -k. If you specify the --no-dep-failures option along with -k, then abuild will not only continue after the first failure but will also attempt to build items even when one or more of their dependencies have failed. Use of this option may result in cascading errors since the build of one item is likely to fail as a result of failures in its dependencies. There are, however, several cases in which this option may still be useful. For example, if building a large build tree with known problems in it, it may be useful to first tell abuild to build everything it possibly can. Then you can go back and try to clean up the error conditions without having to wait for the compilation of files that would have been buildable before. Another case in which this option may be useful is when running test suites: in many cases, we may wish to attempt to run test suites for items even if some of the test suites of their dependencies have failed. Essentially, running -k --no-dep-failures allows abuild to attempt to build everything that the backends will allow it to build.

9.7.2. Tree Dependency Example: Project Code Area

Returning to the project area, we demonstrate how item dependencies may be satisfied in trees named as tree dependencies and the effect this has on the build set. Under reference/project, we have just two public build items called project-main and project-lib. The project-lib build item is structured like the libraries in the common area. The project-main build item has a src directory that builds an executable and has its own test suite. We have already seen that reference/project/Abuild.conf has a tree-deps key that lists common and that items from the project tree depend on build items from common. Specifically, project-lib depends on common-lib1 and project-main depends on common-lib2 which in turn depends on common-lib3.

If we go to reference/project/main/src and run abuild no-op, we see the following output:


abuild: build starting
abuild: common-lib1.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib3.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib2.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: project-lib.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: project-main.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: build complete

Notice here that abuild only built the build items whose names end with .src, that it built the items in dependency order, and that it built all the items from common before any of the items in project. We can also run abuild --apply-targets-to-deps check to run the check target for each of these build items. This generates the following output:


abuild: build starting
abuild: common-lib1.src (abuild-<native>): check
abuild: common-lib3.src (abuild-<native>): check
abuild: common-lib2.src (abuild-<native>): check
abuild: project-lib.src (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/project/lib/src/a\
Compiling ../ProjectLib.cpp as C++
Creating project-lib library
make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/project/lib/src/ab\
abuild: project-main.src (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/project/main/src/\
Compiling ../main.cpp as C++
Creating main executable

STARTING TESTS on ---timestamp---

Running ../qtest/main.test
main  1 (testing project-main)                                 ... PASSED

Overall test suite                                             ... PASSED


Total tests: 1
Passes: 1
Failures: 0
Unexpected Passes: 0
Expected Failures: 0
Missing Tests: 0
Extra Tests: 0

make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/project/main/src/a\
abuild: build complete

The presence of the --apply-target-to-deps flag caused the check target will be run for our dependencies as well as the current build item. In this case, there were no actions performed building the files in common because they were already built. If individual files had been modified in any of these build items, the appropriate targets would have been rebuilt subject to the ordinary file-based dependency management performed by make or ant.

9.7.3. Trait Example

In our previous example, we saw the check target run for each item (that has a build file). Since the items other than project-main don't contain their own test suites, we see the test suite only for project-main. Sometimes we might like to run all the test suites of all the build items we depend on, even if we don't depend on their test suites directly. We can do this using traits, assuming our build tree has been set up to use traits for this purpose. Recall from earlier that our common build tree declared the tester trait in its root build item's Abuild.conf. Here is that file again:


tree-name: common
child-dirs: lib1 lib2 lib3
supported-traits: tester

Also, recall that all the test suites declared themselves as testers of the items that they tested. Here again is common-lib1.test's Abuild.conf, which declares common-lib1.test to be a tester of common-lib1.src:


name: common-lib1.test
platform-types: native
deps: common-lib1
traits: tester -item=common-lib1.src

Given that all of our build items are set up in this way, we can instruct abuild to run the test suites for everything that we depend on. We do this by running abuild --related-by-traits tester check. This runs the check target for every item that declares itself as a tester of the current build item or any of its dependencies, and the all target for everything else, including any additional dependencies of any of those test suites. That command generates the following output:


abuild: build starting
abuild: common-lib1.src (abuild-<native>): all
abuild: common-lib1.test (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib1/test/\

STARTING TESTS on ---timestamp---

Running ../qtest/lib1.test
lib1  1 (test lib1 class)                                      ... PASSED

Overall test suite                                             ... PASSED


Total tests: 1
Passes: 1
Failures: 0
Unexpected Passes: 0
Expected Failures: 0
Missing Tests: 0
Extra Tests: 0

make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib1/test/a\
abuild: common-lib3.src (abuild-<native>): all
abuild: common-lib2.src (abuild-<native>): all
abuild: common-lib2.test (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib2/test/\

STARTING TESTS on ---timestamp---

Running ../qtest/lib2.test
lib2  1 (test lib2 class)                                      ... PASSED

Overall test suite                                             ... PASSED


Total tests: 1
Passes: 1
Failures: 0
Unexpected Passes: 0
Expected Failures: 0
Missing Tests: 0
Extra Tests: 0

make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib2/test/a\
abuild: common-lib3.test (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib3/test/\

STARTING TESTS on ---timestamp---

Running ../qtest/lib3.test
lib3  1 (test lib3 class)                                      ... PASSED

Overall test suite                                             ... PASSED


Total tests: 1
Passes: 1
Failures: 0
Unexpected Passes: 0
Expected Failures: 0
Missing Tests: 0
Extra Tests: 0

make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/common/lib3/test/a\
abuild: project-lib.src (abuild-<native>): all
abuild: project-lib.test (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/project/lib/test/\
Compiling ../main.cpp as C++
Creating lib_test executable

STARTING TESTS on ---timestamp---

Running ../qtest/lib.test
lib  1 (test lib class)                                        ... PASSED

Overall test suite                                             ... PASSED


Total tests: 1
Passes: 1
Failures: 0
Unexpected Passes: 0
Expected Failures: 0
Missing Tests: 0
Extra Tests: 0

make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/project/lib/test/a\
abuild: project-main.src (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/project/main/src/\

STARTING TESTS on ---timestamp---

Running ../qtest/main.test
main  1 (testing project-main)                                 ... PASSED

Overall test suite                                             ... PASSED


Total tests: 1
Passes: 1
Failures: 0
Unexpected Passes: 0
Expected Failures: 0
Missing Tests: 0
Extra Tests: 0

make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/project/main/src/a\
abuild: build complete

Observe that the previously unbuilt project-lib.test build item was built using the check target by this command, and that all the test suites were run. If your development area has good test suites, you are encouraged to use a trait to indicate which items they test as we have done here using the tester trait. This enables you to run the test suites of items in your dependency chain. This can give you significant assurance that everything you depend on is working the way it is supposed to be each time you start a development or debugging session.

9.7.4. Building Reverse Dependencies

Suppose you have made a modification to a particular build item, and you want to make sure the modification doesn't break anyone who depends on that build item, whether the dependent item is in the modified item's tree or not. In order to do this, you can specify the --with-rdeps flag when building the modified item. This will cause abuild to add all of that item's reverse dependencies to the build set. For example, this is the output of running abuild --with-rdeps in the general/reference/common/lib2/src directory:


abuild: build starting
abuild: common-lib1.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib3.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib2.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib2.test (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib3.test (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: project-lib.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: project-main.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: derived-main.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: build complete

This includes all direct and indirect reverse dependencies of common-lib2.src. If you really want to be make sure that everything that is related to this build item by dependency in any way is rebuilt, you can use the --repeat-expansion option as well. This will repeat the reverse dependency expansion after adding the other dependencies of your reverse dependencies, and will continue repeating the expansion until no more items are added. If we run abuild --with-rdeps --repeat-expansion no-op from here, we get this output:


abuild: build starting
abuild: common-lib1.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib1.test (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib3.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib2.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib2.test (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: common-lib3.test (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: project-lib.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: project-lib.test (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: project-main.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: derived-main.src (abuild-<native>): no-op
abuild: build complete

Observe the addition of common-lib1.test and project-lib.test, which are reverse dependencies of libraries added to satisfy the dependencies of some of common-lib2's dependencies! If that seems confusing, then you probably don't need to worry about ever using --repeat-expansion! Using --repeat-expansion with --with-rdeps will usually a lot of build items to the build set. In this example, it actually adds every build item in the forest to the build set. The only build items that would not be added would be completely independent sets of build items that happen to exist in the same forest.

9.7.5. Derived Project Example

Finally, we return to our derived project build tree in reference/derived. This build tree declares project as a tree dependency. As pointed out before, although derived does not declare common as a tree dependency, it can still use build items in common because tree dependencies are transitive. If we run abuild --build=desc check from reference/derived, we will see all our dependencies in common and project being built (though all are up to date at this point) before our own test suite is run, and we will also see that all the items in common build first, followed by the items in project, finally followed by the items in derived. This is the case even though they are not all descendants of the current directory. This again illustrates how abuild adds additional items to the build set as required to satisfy dependencies:


abuild: build starting
abuild: common-lib1.src (abuild-<native>): all
abuild: common-lib3.src (abuild-<native>): all
abuild: common-lib2.src (abuild-<native>): all
abuild: project-lib.src (abuild-<native>): all
abuild: derived-main.src (abuild-<native>): check
make: Entering directory `--topdir--/general/reference/derived/main/src/\
Compiling ../main.cpp as C++
Creating main executable

STARTING TESTS on ---timestamp---

Running ../qtest/main.test
main  1 (testing derived-main)                                 ... PASSED

Overall test suite                                             ... PASSED


Total tests: 1
Passes: 1
Failures: 0
Unexpected Passes: 0
Expected Failures: 0
Missing Tests: 0
Extra Tests: 0

make: Leaving directory `--topdir--/general/reference/derived/main/src/a\
abuild: build complete

We can also observe that we do not see this behavior with the special clean target. Both abuild --clean=desc and abuild --clean=local produce this output when run from reference/derived:


abuild: cleaning derived-main in main
abuild: cleaning derived-main.src in main/src

As another demonstration of the transitive nature of tree dependencies, run abuild --clean=all from the root of the derived build tree. That generates this output:


abuild: cleaning common-lib1 in ../common/lib1
abuild: cleaning common-lib1.src in ../common/lib1/src
abuild: cleaning common-lib1.test in ../common/lib1/test
abuild: cleaning common-lib2 in ../common/lib2
abuild: cleaning common-lib2.src in ../common/lib2/src
abuild: cleaning common-lib2.test in ../common/lib2/test
abuild: cleaning common-lib3 in ../common/lib3
abuild: cleaning common-lib3.src in ../common/lib3/src
abuild: cleaning common-lib3.test in ../common/lib3/test
abuild: cleaning derived-main in main
abuild: cleaning derived-main.src in main/src
abuild: cleaning project-lib in ../project/lib
abuild: cleaning project-lib.src in ../project/lib/src
abuild: cleaning project-lib.test in ../project/lib/test
abuild: cleaning project-main in ../project/main
abuild: cleaning project-main.src in ../project/main/src

Here are a few things to notice:

  • We clean all build items in common and project as well as in derived.

  • Even build items that don't contain build files are visited.

  • Build items are cleaned in an order that completely disregards any dependencies that may exist among them.

[23] In fact, when abuild creates a build order, it starts with a lexically sorted list of build trees and re-orders it as needed so that trees appear in dependency order. Then, within each tree, it does the same with items. The effect is that items build by tree with most referenced trees building earlier and, with each tree, most referenced items building earlier. Ties are resolved by lexical ordering. That said, the exact order of build items, other than that dependencies are built before items that depend on them, should be considered an implementation detail and not relied upon. Also, keep in mind that, in a multithreaded build, the order is not deterministic, other than that no item's build is started before all its dependencies' builds have completed.

[24] The test suites in this example are implemented with QTest, which therefore must be installed for you to run them. See Chapter 10, Integration with Automated Test Frameworks.