13.5. Output Options

These options change the type of output that abuild generates.


Cause abuild to buffer the output produced by each individual item's build and display it contiguously after that build completes. For additional details, see Chapter 20, Controlling and Processing Abuild's Output.


Prepend the given prefix string to every error message generated by abuild and to every line written to standard error by any program abuild invokes. See also --output-prefix. For additional details, see Chapter 20, Controlling and Processing Abuild's Output.


In a multithreaded build, cause abuild to prepend each line of output (normal or error) with an indicator of the build item that was responsible for producing it. Starting in abuild version 1.1.3, this is the default for multithreaded builds. For additional details, see Chapter 20, Controlling and Processing Abuild's Output.


Prepend the given prefix string to every line of non-error output generated by abuild and to every line written to standard output by any program abuild invokes. See also --error-prefix. For additional details, see Chapter 20, Controlling and Processing Abuild's Output.


Prevent abuild from doing any kind of capture or filtering of the output produced by any item's build. This option also makes abuild's standard input available to any program that abuild invokes. This is the default for single-threaded builds and was the behavior for all builds prior to abuild version 1.1.3. For additional details, see Chapter 20, Controlling and Processing Abuild's Output.


Suppress most non-error output. Also tells the backend build tools to generate less output.


Generate more verbose output. Also tells the backend build tools to generate more output.