17.5. Predefined Abuild.interface Variables

Before abuild reads any Abuild.interface files, it provides certain predefined variables. We divide them into categories based on target type.

The variables mentioned here, along with any additional variables that are declared in Abuild.interface files, are made available to the backends in the form of identically named make variables or Groovy framework definitions and ant properties.

17.5.1. Interface Variables Available to All Items

The following interface variables are available to build items of all target types:


The name of the current build item


The output directory in which this item's products are generated for this platform. This is the most often referenced abuild interface variable as it is normal practice to expand this variable when setting the names of library directories, classpaths, or anything else that references generated targets.


The name of the platform on behalf of which this interface is being read. This variable is not used very often. When referring to the output directory, always use $(ABUILD_OUTPUT_DIR) instead of writing something in terms of this variable.


The platform type of the platform on behalf of which this interface is being read


A Boolean variable indicate whether abuild's standard output is a terminal. It can be useful to know this so that this information can be passed to other programs invoked by backends, particularly those (like ant) which redirect output through a pipe that ultimately goes to abuild's standard output.


The target type of the current build item


The obsolete variable ABUILD_THIS contains the name of the current build item. It would have been deprecated in abuild version 1.1, but there is no reliable way to deprecate an interface variable since abuild can't detect its use in backend build files. New code should not use ABUILD_THIS, but should use ABUILD_ITEM_NAME instead.


The name of the current build item's tree

17.5.2. Interface Variables for Object-Code Items

The following interface variables are available for object-code build items:


For object-code items, this variable contains the COMPILER field of the platform (see Section 5.2, “Object-Code Platforms”).


For object-code items, this variable contains the CPU field of the platform (see Section 5.2, “Object-Code Platforms”).


For object-code items, this variable contains the OPTION field of the platform if present or the empty string otherwise (see Section 5.2, “Object-Code Platforms”).


For object-code items, this variable contains the OS field of the platform (see Section 5.2, “Object-Code Platforms”).


For object-code items, this variable contains the TOOLSET field of the platform (see Section 5.2, “Object-Code Platforms”).


This variable is to contain directories that users of this build item should add to their include paths.


This variable is to contain directories that users linking with this build item's libraries should add to their library search paths. Typically, this is just set to $(ABUILD_OUTPUT_DIR) since this is where abuild creates library files.


This variable is to contain the names of libraries (without any prefixes, suffixes, or command-line flags) that this build item provides.


This variable is to contain additional flags, beyond those in $(XCPPFLAGS) to be passed to the compiler when compiling C code. This variable will be used very infrequently.


This variable is to contain additional preprocessor flags that must be added when using this item. This flag should be used very sparingly as changing the value of this variable does not cause things to automatically recompile. It is here primarily to support third-party libraries that only work if a certain flag is defined. If you are using this to change the configuration of a build item, please consider using another method instead, such as defining symbols in a header file or using runtime configuration. For an example of how to do this based on the value of a variable, see Section 22.5, “Dependency on a Make Variable”.


This variable is to contain additional flags, beyond those in $(XCFLAGS) and $(XCPPFLAGS) to be passed to the compiler when compiling C++ code. This variable will be used very infrequently.


This variable is to contain additional flags to be added to the command-line when linking. The most common use for this would be to pass flags to the linker that are other than libraries or library paths. For linking with libraries, whether they are your own libraries or third-party libraries, you are better off using $(LIBDIRS) and $(LIBS) instead.


This variable, introduced in abuild 1.1.6, may contain a list of directories that contain system include files. For compilers that support this, any directory mentioned in the INCLUDES directory that starts with any of the paths mentioned in the SYSTEM_INCLUDES directory will be specified to the compiler using a flag that indicates that it's a system include directory. Some compilers treat system include directories differently, such as suppressing most compiler warnings. For gcc, this causes -isystem to be used rather than -I when specifying the include directory. Note that directories must still be added to INCLUDES to be searched. A typical use of this would be for build items that are providing interfaces to third-party libraries. Those build items' Abuild.interface files may add the directory to both INCLUDES and SYSTEM_INCLUDES to prevent users from having to look at warning messages generated by incorrect code in the third-party library.


Although abuild allows you to do so, it is strongly recommended that you avoid using these variables to configure your build items by passing preprocessor symbol definitions on the command line. There are some times when passing preprocessor symbols on the command line is okay, such as when you're passing a parameter required by a third-party library or passing in some truly static value such as the name of the operating system, but passing dynamic configuration information this way is dangerous. A significant reason for this is that make's entire dependency system is based on file modification times. If you change a preprocessor symbol in an Abuild.mk or Abuild.interface file, there is nothing that triggers anything to get rebuilt. The result is that you can end up with items that build inconsistently with respect to that symbol. Furthermore, abuild has no way to perform its integrity checks relative to the values of compiler flags in build and interface files. If you need to have preprocessor-based static configuration of your code, a better way to handle it is by creating a header file and putting your #defines there. That way, when you modify the header file, anything that depends upon that file will rebuild automatically.

Note that the various FLAGS variables above can also be set (or, more likely, appended to) in Abuild.mk files, as can additional variables to control flags on a per-file basis. Please run abuild rules-help in a C/C++ build item or see Section 18.2.1, “C and C++: ccxx Rules” for details.

17.5.3. Interface Variables for Java Items

The following variables are used by java build items, described here from the context of the item assigning to them:


This variable is to contain generated JAR files to add to the compile-time classpath and to include by default in higher level archives. Most ordinary Java build items that create JAR files will assign to this variable. Its value will typically be $(ABUILD_DIR_OUTPUT)/dist/JarFile.jar, where JarFile.jar is the name of the JAR file you placed in the java.jarName property in your Abuild.groovy file. See also abuild.classpath.manifest below.


This variable is to contain JAR files whose names should be listed in the Class-Path key of the manifest of JAR files that depend on it directly. In most cases, anything that is assigned to abuild.classpath must also be assigned to abuild.classpath.manifest. The abuild.classpath.manifest variable is declared as non-recursive, so assignments made to it are visible only to items that depend directly on the item making the assignment. This is appropriate because Java handles indirect dependencies on its own.


This variable is to contain externally supplied JAR files to add to the compile-time classpath. Unlike JARs added to abuild.classpath, JAR files placed here will not be included in higher level archives by default. Whether you assign a JAR to abuild.classpath or abuild.classpath.external depends on the nature of your runtime environment. Java SE applications probably don't need to use this variable at all. Java EE applications should use this primarily for JAR files that are required at compile time by are provided by default by the application server or runtime environment. As with abuild.classpath, Values assigned to abuild.classpath.external will usually also have to be assigned to abuild.classpath.manifest.

For additional discussion of how these are used by the Groovy backend, please see Section 19.4, “Class Paths and Class Path Variables”. In that section, we discuss the variables from the context of the item that is using them rather than the item that is assigning to them.