13.3. Informational Options

These options print information and exit without building anything.


Dump to standard output the complete build graph consisting of items and platforms. This is primarily useful for debugging abuild or diagnosing unusual problems relating to which items are built in which order. The build graph output data conforms to a DTD which can be found in doc/build_graph.dtd in the abuild distribution. The contents of the DTD can also be found in Appendix H, --dump-build-graph Format. Although nothing is built when this option is specified, abuild still performs complete validation including reading of all the interface files. The build graph is discussed in Section 33.6, “Construction of the Build Graph”. For additional ways to use the build graph output, see also Chapter 32, Sample XSL-T Scripts.


Dump to standard output all information computed by abuild. Useful for debugging or for tools that need in-depth information about what abuild knows. --dump-data is mutually exclusive with running any targets. If you need to see --dump-data output and build targets at the same time, use --monitored instead (see Chapter 31, Monitored Mode). For details about the format generated by --dump-data, please see Appendix F, --dump-data Format. For additional ways to use the build graph output, see also Chapter 32, Sample XSL-T Scripts.

--find item-name

Print the name of the tree that contains item item-name, and also print its location.


Print the location of the root build item of build tree tree-name.


Print a brief introduction to abuild's help system. For additional details, see Chapter 8, Help System. For the text of all help files that are provided with abuild, see Appendix E, Online Help Files.


Print the names of all object-code platforms categorized by platform type and build tree, and indicate which ones would be built by default. Note that abuild may build on additional platforms beyond those selected by default in order to satisfy dependencies from other items.


Print the names of all traits known in the local build tree, its tree dependencies, and its backing areas. This is the list of traits that are available for use on the command line with the --only-with-traits and --related-by-traits options.


Print the path to the top of abuild's installation.


Print the version number of abuild.