Chapter 31. Monitored Mode

When run with the --monitored flag, abuild runs in monitored mode. In this mode, abuild generates output that would be useful to an external program that may be monitoring its progress. This includes the output of --dump-data (see Appendix F, --dump-data Format). With the data output in monitored mode, it is possible to present information to the user that reveals considerable detail about abuild's progress during the course of a build. Monitored mode was introduced into abuild to support development of graphical front ends or IDE plugins for abuild, but it could be useful for other purposes as well.

All additional information in monitored mode is either prefixed by the string abuild-monitored: followed by a keyword or is delimited on both ends by strings so prefixed. The following information is provided in monitored mode:

begin-dump-data ... end-dump-data

Lines delimited by these keywords surround --dump-data output. In monitored mode, --dump-data output appears just before build graph output or, if there were errors, just before it exits. Note that --dump-data output is always included in monitored mode, so inclusion of the --dump-data option is not required and would in fact make abuild exit before it built anything.

begin-dump-build-graph ... end-dump-build-graph

Lines delimited by these keywords surround --dump-build-graph output. In monitored mode, --dump-build-graph output appears just before abuild begins a build. It is not included if there were errors. Note that --dump-build-graph output is always included in monitored mode, so inclusion of the --dump-build-graph option is not required and would in fact make abuild exit before it built anything.


Any error message output by abuild is repeated in a monitor output message prefixed by this keyword.


Any fatal error message output by abuild is first issued in a monitor output message prefixed by this keyword.


During a build, abuild outputs state changes from the dependency evaluator using this keyword. State change monitor output lines will always have this form:

abuild-monitor: state-change item-name platform state

where state is one of the following:


The item is scheduled to be built but still has dependencies that have not yet been built


The item is scheduled to be built, and all its dependencies have been successfully built


The item is currently being built


The item has been built successfully


An attempt was made to build the item, but the build failed


The item was previously scheduled to be built, but a build will no longer be attempted because of the failure of one of its dependencies


Before abuild invokes the backend to perform a build, it will output a line of the form

abuild-monitor: targets item-name platform target [target ...]

to indicate a space-separated list of targets that will be passed to the backend.

Additional monitor output lines may be added in the future. To ensure forward compatibility, programs intending to consume abuild monitor output should ignore any abuild monitor output lines that they do not recognize.