Part III. Advanced Functionality

In this part of the manual, we cover the remaining information about abuild's features in detail. This part contains complete reference guides to abuild's configuration files, discussions of more advanced topics, and numerous examples to illustrate how to solve specific build problems with abuild. By the end of this part, you should be able to use abuild for a wide range of build problems.

Table of Contents

15. The Abuild.conf File
15.1. Abuild.conf Syntax
16. The Abuild.backing File
17. The Abuild Interface System
17.1. Abuild Interface Functionality Overview
17.2. Abuild.interface Syntactic Details
17.3. Abuild Interface Conditional Functions
17.4. Abuild.interface and Target Types
17.5. Predefined Abuild.interface Variables
17.5.1. Interface Variables Available to All Items
17.5.2. Interface Variables for Object-Code Items
17.5.3. Interface Variables for Java Items
17.6. Debugging Interface Issues
18. The GNU Make backend
18.1. General Syntax
18.2. Make Rules
18.2.1. C and C++: ccxx Rules
18.2.2. Options for the msvc Compiler
18.2.3. Autoconf: autoconf Rules
18.2.4. Do Nothing: empty Rules
18.3. Autoconf Example
19. The Groovy Backend
19.1. A Crash Course in Groovy
19.2. The Abuild.groovy File
19.2.1. Parameter Blocks
19.2.2. Selecting Rules
19.3. Directory Structure for Java Builds
19.4. Class Paths and Class Path Variables
19.5. Basic Java Rules Functionality
19.5.1. Compiling Java Source Code
19.5.2. Building Basic Jar Files
19.5.3. Wrapper Scripts
19.5.4. Testing with JUnit
19.5.5. JAR Signing
19.5.6. WAR Files
19.5.7. High Level Archives
19.5.8. EAR Files
19.6. Advanced Customization of Java Rules
19.7. The Abuild Groovy Environment
19.7.1. The Binding
19.7.2. The Ant Project
19.7.3. Parameters, Interface Variables, and Definitions
19.8. Using QTest With the Groovy Backend
19.9. Groovy Rules
19.10. Additional Information for Rule Authors
19.10.1. Interface to the abuild Object
19.10.2. Using org.abuild.groovy.Util
20. Controlling and Processing Abuild's Output
20.1. Introduction and Terminology
20.2. Output Modes
20.3. Output Prefixes
20.4. Parsing Output
20.5. Caveats and Subtleties of Output Capture
21. Shared Libraries
21.1. Building Shared Libraries
21.2. Shared Library Example
22. Build Item Rules and Automatically Generated Code
22.1. Build Item Rules
22.2. Code Generator Example for Make
22.3. Code Generator Example for Groovy
22.4. Multiple Wrapper Scripts
22.5. Dependency on a Make Variable
22.6. Caching Generated Files
22.6.1. Caching Generated Files Example
23. Interface Flags
23.1. Interface Flags Conceptual Overview
23.2. Using Interface Flags
23.3. Private Interface Example
24. Cross-Platform Support
24.1. Platform Selection
24.2. Dependencies and Platform Compatibility
24.3. Explicit Cross-Platform Dependencies
24.3.1. Interface Errors
24.4. Dependencies and Pass-through Build Items
24.5. Cross-Platform Dependency Example
25. Build Item Visibility
25.1. Increasing a Build Item's Visibility
25.2. Mixed Classification Example
26. Linking With Whole Libraries
26.1. Whole Library Example
27. Opaque Wrappers
27.1. Opaque Wrapper Example
28. Optional Dependencies
28.1. Using Optional Dependencies
28.2. Optional Dependencies Example
29. Enhancing Abuild with Plugins
29.1. Plugin Functionality
29.2. Global Plugins
29.3. Adding Platform Types and Platforms
29.3.1. Adding Platform Types
29.3.2. Adding Platforms
29.4. Adding Toolchains
29.5. Plugin Examples
29.5.1. Plugins with Rules and Interfaces
29.5.2. Adding Backend Code
29.5.3. Platforms and Platform Type Plugins
29.5.4. Plugins and Tree Dependencies
29.5.5. Native Compiler Plugins
29.5.6. Checking Project-Specific Rules
29.5.7. Install Target
30. Best Practices
30.1. Guidelines for Extension Authors
30.2. Guidelines for Make Rule Authors
30.3. Guidelines for Groovy Target Authors
30.4. Platform-Dependent Files in Non-object-code Build Items
30.5. Hidden Dependencies
30.6. Interfaces and Implementations
31. Monitored Mode
32. Sample XSL-T Scripts
33. Abuild Internals
33.1. Avoiding Recursive Make
33.2. Starting Abuild in an Output Directory
33.3. Traversal Details
33.4. Compatibility Framework
33.5. Construction of the Build Set
33.6. Construction of the Build Graph
33.6.1. Validation
33.6.2. Construction
33.6.3. Implications
33.7. Implementation of the Abuild Interface System
33.8. Loading Abuild Interfaces
33.9. Parameter Block Implementation