Appendix L. List of Examples

The following sections within this document describe examples from doc/example. Many of the files from the example directory are included in the document, but not all of them are. For the maximum benefit, you are encouraged to make a copy of the doc/example directory so that you can follow along and make modifications.

Section 3.4, “Building a C++ Library”
Section 3.5, “Building a C++ Program”
Section 3.6, “Building a Java Library”
Section 3.7, “Building a Java Program”
Section 6.4, “Simple Build Tree Example”
Section 7.3, “Tree Dependency Example”
Section 9.7.1, “Common Code Area”
Section 9.7.2, “Tree Dependency Example: Project Code Area”
Section 9.7.3, “Trait Example”
Section 9.7.4, “Building Reverse Dependencies”
Section 9.7.5, “Derived Project Example”
Section 11.4, “Task Branch Example”
Section 11.5, “Deleted Build Item”
Section 18.3, “Autoconf Example”
Section 21.2, “Shared Library Example”
Section 22.2, “Code Generator Example for Make”
Section 22.3, “Code Generator Example for Groovy”
Section 22.4, “Multiple Wrapper Scripts”
Section 22.5, “Dependency on a Make Variable”
Section 22.6.1, “Caching Generated Files Example”
Section 23.3, “Private Interface Example”
Section 24.5, “Cross-Platform Dependency Example”
Section 25.2, “Mixed Classification Example”
Section 26.1, “Whole Library Example”
Section 27.1, “Opaque Wrapper Example”
Section 28.2, “Optional Dependencies Example”
Section 29.5, “Plugin Examples”
Section 29.5.1, “Plugins with Rules and Interfaces”
Section 29.5.2, “Adding Backend Code”
Section 29.5.3, “Platforms and Platform Type Plugins”
Section 29.5.4, “Plugins and Tree Dependencies”
Section 29.5.5, “Native Compiler Plugins”
Section 29.5.6, “Checking Project-Specific Rules”